Sunday, February 24, 2013


In this assignment I wanted to use an object that had a lot of meaning to the owner, but looks like nothing special in anyone else's eyes. 
My friend has a friendship ring with one of her best friends from back home, so it is special to her and she treasures it. In the objective shot, there is no sense of emotion. In the subjective shot, there is still not any sense of emotion, but it's a more artistic shot, and you can see part of what the ring says.. "Nemo Nisi Moris" which loosely translates to "nothing but death shall part us". 
In the narrative picture, it is apparent that the ring has some kind of special meaning to the person wearing it. 

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Visualization Assignment : Fear

For this assignment, I wanted to show the feeling of fear more so than a fear of something specific. I had my roommate, Katelyn, model for me. I asked her to sit in the corner of our room and I used our desk lamp as a sort of spotlight. As I was shooting, I started to visualize the fear that I wanted to show. I  had her take off her shirt because it made her look more vulnerable. I wanted her to look like she was scared of being exposed or "found out"-- not for anything in particular. 
I also liked how the second picture turned out because her actual face is hidden, but you can see her face outline in the shadow. I found that it went well with the first one because it looks like she is trying to hide herself.